BURNING INSIDE Burning inside with violent anger, bitterly I speak to my heart: Created from matter, of the ashes of the elements, I am like a leaf played with by the winds. If it is the way of the wise man to build foundations on stone, then I am a fool, like a flowing stream, which in its course never changes. I am carried along like a ship without a steersman, and in the paths of the air like a light, hovering bird; chains cannot hold me, keys cannot imprison me, I look for people like me and join the wretches. The heaviness of my heart seems a burden to me; it is pleasant to joke and sweeter than honeycomb; whatever Venus commands is a sweet duty, she never dwells in a lazy heart. I travel the broad path as is the way of youth, I give myself to vice. Unmindful of virtue, I am eager for the pleasures of the flesh more than for salvation. My soul is dead, so I shall look after the flesh.