
Please periodically consult this section for updates via Lynx, Netscape, or some other WWW browser. The general principles are to keep within the scope of the forum, not to do things which strangle discussion, and not to cause headaches for the admin and the other users. All the rules are extensions of these principles.

  1. Messages posted to these mailing lists should be treated as private correspondence; thus, not quoted anywhere else without the consent of all quoted parties. Under no circumstances should posts to elists be carbon copied (cc'd) to any other address; especially other mailing lists, web archiving CGIs, or newsgroups.

  2. The moderators will enforce bans on things determined to non-conducive to relevant topics, the functioning of the server, and healthy civility. Things can include topics, language, servers, and users. Consult the moderator(s) if in doubt.

  3. Please don't post messages about administrative and technical issues to the elist itself. Send such to the moderators only. Technical issues can only be tended to by the moderators directly, and so can only serve to waste bandwidth and storage if sent to the many subscribers. Contacting the moderators directly is the speediest process to get an authoritative answer to your problem.

  4. Please don't post completely frivolous messages, one or two line messages, "me too!" messages, or quote the entirety of large messages when only a line or two is sufficient. Take it to one-on-one email. This is standard netiquette.

  5. No files of any kind should ever be transferred via these mailing lists. Be wary of sending encoded attachments, such as MIME attachments, as that is sometimes an email client's default. Likewise, keep messages to a reasonable length; please split them into multiple messages if they go over 30k.

  6. Bouncing messages are a true bane of administration. Please avoid mailbox overloads on your site. If this seems of concern, consider switching to Digest format.

  7. Merchants, bands etc, planning on advertising on a elist, not having done so previously, must notify the elist moderators about the nature of their services and wait upon approval before sending. Repetitive or offtopic solicitations are grounds for immediate banning. Advertisers are encouraged to be respectful to their fellow subscribers, and are not to diminish in any way the elist environment which is generously providing them a free service. Services competing with, or at odds with the function of the forum are never tolerated. Mailing lists dealing with record label fan info usually have modified policies regarding advertisments. Please consult the moderators for specifics.

  8. Please remain at least somewhat ontopic. Do not use the darkside magic/spirituality elists for discussions of lightside material, for example. Some interpersonal banter is permitted on community elists, such as the gothic-industrial elists. Excessive amounts can be extremely vexing to users not connected to the parties in question, and can become an obstruction to the elist as a local resource.

  9. Violators of any of these rules may be removed and banned at the discretion of the moderators, or in some cases, the administrator. Attempts to abridge this privilege, are also strictly prohibited. It is the responsibility of the moderators to ensure that participants do not infringe upon the rights of other subscribers.